Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Public Schools Should Attend Private School Benefit From...

Students who attend private school benefit from the exposure to extracurricular activities. A typical feature of private schools is the provision of special programs in the field of art, music , drama and sports. In 2002, Deasy, concluded that taking up any form of art improves conditional reasoning and spatial reasoning. It also aids in problem solving refines creativity in terms of spontaneity, originality, sequencing theory, ideas and results. The adoption of art has also been known to motivate the students to learn as engages the student and increases the attention span. The same study also showed that a student immersed in the performing arts like drama and music or fine arts like painting indicated a personal development in terms of increased self-confidence, collaboration, tolerance and conflict resolution. Private schools also have impressive athletic facilities and instruments for the music classes. Most public schools are not able to afford a drama class or violin class due to the lack of funding by the public. Devoiding a student of activities that help them balance an academic workload pushes them towards skipping school and being unenthusiastic of school work. Getting a child involved in any kind of art keeps them in school thereby increasing the attendance rate. Private schools encourage parent involvement as this enhances the child’s academic success by ensuring they are on the straight and narrow. While most parents are typically involved in the day to dayShow MoreRelated Private Schools vs. Public Schools Essay617 Words   |  3 Pagespossible school for their child in preparation for college. Many believe the most opportune way for their child to succeed in studies is by attending a private school. On the other hand, another group of parents thinks that public schools are the better route. Nevertheless, public schools have been proven to be more successful in the education of a maturing child. Students who attend public schools are faced with many different challenges that differ in comparison to a private school studentRead MoreChildren Of The School Age1599 Words   |  7 PagesEvery child of school age, 5-18 years, in the United States, is required to be in an educational program. Making decisions for one’s self or for the wellbeing of another may require good common sense, research and knowledge in order to settle on what is best. One important decision that most people will have to make for themselves or another is about learning. Knowledge, behaviors, skills, values and preferences are all associated with learning and may be acquired through education. In ourRead More Home-Schooling Essay1333 Words   |  6 Pageshome-schooled instead of attending a public school. Imagine how nice it would be to have school right in your own home. It was stated that in the year 2001, over two million children were home- schooled in the United States (#1 Home Schooli ng Information and Software, 2003). This number continues to increase each year. Some believe home-schooling gives a child more attention and ensures a more intimate and personal environment which may in turn lead to a better education. Others, however, believe those whoRead MorePrivate Or Public School?1321 Words   |  6 Pages Private or Public School? Adrianna N. Pillow Professor SooHoo-Hui February 15, 2015 California Baptist University â€Æ' Abstract In today’s society, receiving a good education has become of the utter most importance. The real choice that is being faced now is what type of schooling program kids should be sent to. Should it be private school, with smaller class sizes or public school, where the massive attendance count tends to make kids learning last on the lists of priorities? The obvious choiceRead MoreHomeschooling vs. Public School Essay1409 Words   |  6 PagesHomeschooling vs. Public School Homeschooling vs. public school has been a public debate for quite a while now. Some parents choose homeschooling because of the protection their child gains and some choose public education because of the atmosphere. Most would claim that public schools aren’t teaching, less trying to create a religious fringe. However; both provide your child education but there are many advantages and disadvantages for both. When a child is homeschooledRead MoreHome Schooling Education998 Words   |  4 PagesHomeschooling is the education of children at home, usually taught by a parent or tutor, rather than in public or private school. Homeschooling is an option for families living in isolated rural locations, living temporarily abroad, or families who travel often. This method of education is growing around the world. Homeschools use different educational methods such as: Unit Studies, All-in-One Curricula, Natural Learning, and Autonomous Learning. In the Unit Studies method multiple subjects areRead MoreShould College Tuition Be Free? America? Essay1267 Words   |  6 Pages Why should college tuition be free in America? The majority of students who graduate leave their alma mater with two things: a degree and a large sum of debt. The current student debt in America is 1.2 trillion dollars. Graduate students account for nearly 40 percent of this debt. From 1985 to 2007 the amount of student debt increased by 7.9 percent. In 1994 the average student borrowed eleven thousand dollars for school. By 2014, however, that figure had increased to thirty-five thousand dollarsRead MoreLegacy Admission Should Not Be Allowed Since World War I1477 Words   |  6 Pageshas raised the concerns for lower class families who did not attend good universities and their children wanted to attend but ended up not getting admission. In 2003, Senator Edward Kennedy sought legislation to compel colleges to make public their data on legacy admissions. It didn’t pass due to higher education’s powerful lobbying. Legacy admission should not be allowed since it promot es discrimination, lowers academic competition, should not affect alumni donating to their universities and as wellRead MoreAmerica Should Not Be Allowed Since World War I1525 Words   |  7 Pageshas raised the concerns for lower class families who did not attend good universities and their children wanted to attend but ended up not getting admission. In 2003, Senator Edward Kennedy sought legislation to compel colleges to make public their data on legacy admissions. It didn’t pass due to higher education’s powerful lobbying. Legacy admission should not be allowed since it promotes discrimination, lowers academic competition, should not affect alumni donating to their universities and as wellRead MoreThe Pros and Cons to Physical Education Essay1662 Words   |  7 Pageswhile others may remember it as the most exciting time of the day. Either way, physical education was required. Today, however, the necessity of physical education classes is up for debate. Parents , faculty, council members, and even the government are weighing the pros and cons of allowing physical education in school. I believe that even though the funding being used to pay for equipment and gymnasiums could be better spent on books and materials for other classes, physical education should stay

Monday, December 23, 2019

Carbon Footprint Essay - 702 Words

Carbon Foot Print Assignment Reduce Food and Product Carbon Footprint It is estimated that 13% of the United States greenhouse gas emissions are a direct result of the production and transportation of food. Transporting these foods and manufactured products requires petroleum-based fuels, and many fertilizers are fossil fuel-based. Eat less beef and dairy based products, raising cows require a lot of resources. Finding an alternative to lamb and beef would dramatically reduce the carbon footprint as factory-farmed animals generate 500 million tons of manures a year, which creates 5.1% of the greenhouse gases. Less flight hours Flying less, will decrease the amount of fuel and greenhouse gases produced by flying. Economy class is the†¦show more content†¦Producing energy for homes cause 9.9% of greenhouse gases, this majorly impacts greenhouse gases as this could easily be reduced. Deforestation Deforestation releases some of the most carbon emissions. This is because when trees are felled they release the carbon that they are story into the atmosphere, where it mixes with greenhouse gases from other sources and takes part in global warming. The deforestations industry is the cause for 18.3% of greenhouse gas emissions. Any realistic plan to reduce global warming pollution sufficiently and in time to avoid dangerous consequences must rely in part on preserving tropical forests. Have Less Children Having less children will drastically reduce the greenhouse gasses produced. Statistics from the UK Government show that the average person will produce 10 tonnes of C02. By reducing the number of children per family, we are removing a lifetime of carbon production. This would dramatically reduce the amount of carbon produced. Global warming is the direct result of the industrial revolution, the les children families have on average would reduce the carbon footprint and would slow global warming. Industry The Industry produces the raw materials and goods we use almost every day. Direct emissions are from produce or burning fuel for power or heat, through chemical reactions, the most direct emissions are caused by the consumption of fossils fuels for energy. A small amount of C02 emissions come from leaks from naturalShow MoreRelatedReducing the Carbon Footprint Essay example885 Words   |  4 PagesBecause carbon footprints are such hot topics in the news these days, its an ideal topic for this particular paper. As concerns about global warming and potential climate change have continued to evolve the term carbon footprint has become ingrained in many peoples consciousness. Though the large Fortune 500 companies focus on reduction of their own carbon footprints, individuals can help in their own small way as well. But what is a carbon footprint? Basically, carbon footprints are definedRead MoreEssay on Carbon Footprint of Coca-Cola Company1402 Words   |  6 PagesIndustrial Revolution thus contributing increases in average global temperature. Thus, numerous organizations and individuals have taken action to reduce their carbon footprints in order to lessen their impact on the environment. Coca–Cola, the ever-popular, soft-drink corporation is one of these organizations that is taking action to curtail its carbon dioxide emissions in order to create a greener reputation. One of the ways in which it is attempting to accomplish this goal is through the acquisition ofRead MoreMy Carbon Footprint647 Words   |  3 Pages My Carbon Footprint This essay reviews my personal carbon footprint and discusses ways to manage it and reduce some of the biggest areas of my resource consumption. The footprint calculator that I used required that I answer a series of questions about my consumption habits, and based on the answers I provided, showed the impact of my lifestyle on the planet. The footprint calculator uses data for selected countries, based on National Footprint Accounts. The online calculator asked questionsRead MoreThe Effect Everyones Carbon Footprint Is Having On The1344 Words   |  6 PagesThe effect everyones carbon footprint is having on the environment Carbon footprint is the measure of the amount of plant resources you use. The more your carbon footprint goes up, the more effect it has on the environment. Everyday people are doing actives that are producing greenhouse gas emissions. If one sees their greenhouse gas emission going up, that means that there will be an increase in climate change which will then lead to global warming. Your carbon footprint has a huge effect on notRead MoreThe Effects Of Climate Change On The Environment1376 Words   |  6 Pages1.0 Introduction The development of society and economy has caused varieties of environmental problems in the past decades. Carbon dioxide (CO2), the most common greenhouse gases has caused a great impact on climate change, and to reduce the emission of CO2 becomes a worldwide agenda. (Christopher R.I, 2013) While, Buildings, taking up third of the total UK greenhouse gas emissions (CCC, 2014http://www.theccc.org.uk/charts-data/ukemissions-by-sector/buildings/), have a great potential to reduce theRead MoreWhy Bother? Response Essay1468 Words   |  6 PagesWhy Bother? Response Essay Reading someone else’s essay about any certain subject can provide an interesting perspective about said topic or work being submitted. Yet, some can be very convincing. In the motivational essay, â€Å"Why Bother?† written by Michael Pollan, asks the question, â€Å"why bother?† Now, the reader may think that the essay might be talking about how doing something of their choice might just be a complete waste of time, but why judge a piece of writing by just the title? In this caseRead MoreA Crisis Of Character By Jody Williams1254 Words   |  6 Pagesordinary people with lives that go up and down and around in circles can still contribute to change.† In an excerpt from his essay â€Å"Why Bother?† published in the New York Times Magazine, American public intellectual Michael Pollan reveals his goal to convince ordinary American citizens that they are capable of changing their behavior in order to reduce America’s carbon footprint. Through t he use of the four rhetorical elements situation, purpose, claim, and audience, Pollan aspires to have his readersRead MoreUnit 1 the Business Environment P51733 Words   |  7 PagesUnit 1 Exploring Business Activity Assignment 3 P5 In this essay I will be describing how three external factors are impacting upon the business activities and stakeholders of John Lewis and Oxfam. The first of the three external factors I have chosen is the credit crunch. The credit crunch is a decline in the availability of loans or a tightening of conditions required to take out a loan from banks. It also means that there are reductions on the interest rates set up by banks for savingRead MoreSolutions to Eliminate the Threats of Global Warming1595 Words   |  6 Pagesuntil the spark of the Industrial Revolution. The burning of fossil fuels, which are essential to most forms of human power, releases carbon atoms into the air. (Bird, 1) Carbon atoms are dangerous because of their tendency to absorb the suns heat, rather than reflect the suns heat back into space. This absorption over time has several effects on Earth. This essay will discuss these impacts, as well as proposed solutions toward curbing and finally eliminating the threat of global warming. The Problem Read MoreThe Effects Of Animal Agriculture On The Environment Essay941 Words   |  4 Pagesglobal warming, it is also the leading cause of resource consumption and environmental degradation destroying the planet today.† (Andersen Kuhn, 2014). It is important, then, to consider the effects of animal agriculture on the environment. This essay will argue that animal agriculture is harmful to the environment in terms of greenhouse gas emissions, water- and land use, and that policies in the form of subsidizing plant foods, altering the Canada Food Guide, and creating plant based nutrition

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Discovery of Electronics Free Essays

The first practical application of electricity was the telegraph, invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1837. We will write a custom essay sample on The Discovery of Electronics or any similar topic only for you Order Now The need for electrical engineers was not felt until some 40 years later, upon the invention of the telephone (1876) by Alexander Graham Bell and of the incandescent lamp (1878) by Thomas A. Edison. These devices and Edison’s first central generating plant in New York City (1882) created a large demand for men trained to work with electricity. The discovery of the â€Å"Edison effect,† a flow of current through the vacuum of one of his lamps, was the first observation of current in space. Hendrick Antoon Lorentz of The Netherlands predicted the electron theory of electrical charge in 1895, and in 1897 J. J. Thomson of England showed that the Edison effect current was indeed caused by negatively charged particles (electrons). This led to the work of Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, Lee De Forest of the United States, and many others, which laid the foundations of radio engineering. In 1930 the term electronics was introduced to embrace radio and the industrial applications of electron tubes. Since 1947, when the transistor was invented by John Bardeen, William H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley, electronics engineering has been dominated by the applications of such solid-state electronic devices as the transistor, the semiconductor diode, and the integrated circuit. the branch of engineering concerned with the practical applications of electricity in all its forms, including those of the field of electronics. Electronics engineering is that branch of electrical engineering concerned with the uses of the electromagnetic spectrum and with the application of such electronic devices as integrated circuits, transistors, and vacuum tubes. In engineering practice, the distinction between electrical engineering and electronics is based on the comparative strength of the electric currents used. In this sense, electrical engineering is the branch dealing with â€Å"heavy current†-that is, electric light and power systems and apparatuses-whereas electronics engineering deals with such â€Å"light current† applications as wire and radio communication, the stored-program electronic computer, radar, and automatic control systems. The distinction between the fields has become less sharp with technical progress. For example, in the high-voltage transmission of electric power, large arrays of electronic devices are used to convert transmission-line current at power levels in the tens of megawatts. Moreover, in the regulation and control of interconnected power systems, electronic computers are used to compute requirements much more rapidly and accurately than is possible by manual methods Electrical phenomena attracted the attention of European thinkers as early as the 17th century. Beginning as a mathematically oriented science, the field has remained primarily in that form; mathematical predication often precedes laboratory demonstration. The most noteworthy pioneers include Ludwig Wilhelm Gilbert and Georg Simon Ohm of Germany, Hans Christian Orsted of Denmark, Andre-Marie Ampere of France, Alessandro Volta of Italy, Joseph Henry of the United States, and Michael Faraday of England. Electrical engineering may be said to have emerged as a discipline in 1864 when the Scottish physicist James Clerk Maxwell summarized the basic laws of electricity in mathematical form and predicted that radiation of electromagnetic energy would occur in a form that later became known as radio waves. In 1887 the German physicist Heinrich Hertz experimentally demonstrated the existence of radio waves. The first practical application of electricity was the telegraph, invented by Samuel F. B. Morse in 1837. The need for electrical engineers was not felt until some 40 years later, upon the invention of the telephone (1876) by Alexander Graham Bell and of the incandescent lamp (1878) by Thomas A. Edison. These devices and Edison’s first central generating plant in New York City (1882) created a large demand for men trained to work with electricity. The discovery of the â€Å"Edison effect,† a flow of current through the vacuum of one of his lamps, was the first observation of current in space. Hendrick Antoon Lorentz of The Netherlands predicted the electron theory of electrical charge in 1895, and in 1897 J. J. Thomson of England showed that the Edison effect current was indeed caused by negatively charged particles (electrons). This led to the work of Guglielmo Marconi of Italy, Lee De Forest of the United States, and many others, which laid the foundations of radio engineering. In 1930 the term electronics was introduced to embrace radio and the industrial applications of electron tubes. Since 1947, when the transistor was invented by John Bardeen, William H. Brattain, and William B. Shockley, electronics engineering has been dominated by the applications of such solid-state electronic devices as the transistor, the semiconductor diode, and the integrated circuit. The functions performed by electrical and electronics engineers include (1) basic research in physics, other sciences, and applied mathematics in order to extend knowledge applicable to the field of electronics, (2) applied research based on the findings of basic research and directed at discovering new applications and principles of operation, (3) development of new materials, devices, assemblies, and systems suitable for existing or proposed product lines, (4) design of devices, equipment, and systems for manufacture, (5) field-testing of equipment and systems, (6) establishment of quality control standards to be observed in manufacture, (7) supervision of manufacture and production testing, (8) postproduction assessment of performance, maintenance, and repair, and (9) engineering management, or the direction of research, development, engineering, manufacture, and marketing and sales. How to cite The Discovery of Electronics, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Business for the Glory of God free essay sample

On both sides of the transaction, we can imitate God, and he will take pleasure in us when he sees us showing honesty, fairness, trustworthiness, kindness, wisdom and skill, and keeping our word regarding how much we promised to pay or what work we agreed to do† (Grudem, p. 32). Grudem also frequently refer to well know scriptures to make arguments. For an example Grudem writes â€Å"When God gave the command, ‘You shall not steal’ (Ex. 20:15), he affirmed the validity of personal ownership of possessions† (Grudem, p. 19). Not stealing is not affirming the validity of personal ownership possessions.The commandment against stealing only shows that possessions are owned by entities other than self, while it still does not validate personal ownership it also do not eliminate personal ownership of possessions either. Recommendation I have to say that, in the end, I would recommend this book to someone wanting to learn more, especially Christians and/or businesspeople wondering about business and the marketplace. We will write a custom essay sample on Business for the Glory of God or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page They would do well to invest the short amount of time to read Business for the Glory of God. My only complaint is the size of the book.The book is really short and it seems like when he is just beginning to develop a thought, he needs to move on to the next topic. However, he lets the reader know that he is working on a larger edition saying in the preface, â€Å"The Bible says much about these topics, and a thorough treatment deserves a much larger book than this, on that I am still in the process of writing† (Grudem, p. 9). Therefore you should not expect this book to be a comprehensive coverage of the theology of business. This book very clearly provides an understanding as to how God uses businesses to minister to others in the marketplace. This book is also a terrific illustration of how Christians can worship God in everything they do. Grudem makes the case that this includes business too. Grudem bases his arguments on a handful of scriptural principles and demonstrates that these tools of capitalism are effective techniques to achieve those principles. If anyone has negative connotations when it comes to business and profit, this book will clarify the topics once and for all! References Grudem, Wayne (2003). Business for the Glory of God: The Bible’s Teaching on the Moral Goodness of Business. Wheaton: IL: Crossway.

Friday, November 29, 2019

The Effect of Common Household Drugs on Circulatory Function free essay sample

An experiment was conducted to observe the affects of household drugs on pulsation rate. Since pulsation rate is such a simple physiological system it will be easier to observe a change. Lumbriculus variegatus (blackworms) were used to observe there pulsation rate. Blackworms were used do to absence of a respiratory system; they also rely on diffusion for gas exchange. Blackworms don’t have a heart there vessels are what moves the blood back in forward. Each open and closing is a pulse. In the first part of the experiment concentration of drugs were used (caffeine and nicotine). The nicotine and caffeine solution will have an affect on pulsation rate. Since it is already known to have other physiological affects. The alternative hypothesis is that the solutions will have no affect on pulsation rate. The solutions had no affect on pulsation rate because of the negative change in rate of beats per minute (table 1. We will write a custom essay sample on The Effect of Common Household Drugs on Circulatory Function or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page 1). The alternative hypothesis is supported by the data found in the experiment sample. However there is an error due to the sample size is not large enough to apply to the population of blackworms. Overall there were no significant in the changes of pulsation rates that would conclude that the drugs had an affect. As seen in part one of the experiment it was concluded that similar result would be found. The extract will have no real significant affect on the blackworms pulsation rate.

Monday, November 25, 2019

FAQ About Singapores Location and History

FAQ About Singapores Location and History Where is Singapore? Singapore is at the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula in Southeast Asia. It encompasses one main island, called Singapore Island or Pulau Ujong, and sixty-two smaller islands. Singapore is separated from Malaysia by the Straits of Johor, a narrow body of water. Two routes connect Singapore to Malaysia: the Johor-Singapore Causeway (completed in 1923), and the Malaysia-Singapore Second Link (opened in 1998). Singapore also shares maritime boundaries with Indonesia to the south and east. What is Singapore? Singapore, which is officially called the Republic of Singapore, is a city-state with over 3 million citizens. Although it covers only 710 square kilometers (274 square miles) in area, Singapore is a wealthy independent nation with a parliamentary form of government. Interestingly, when Singapore gained its independence from the British in 1963, it merged with neighboring Malaysia. Many observers both inside and outside of Singapore doubted that it would be a viable state on its own. However, the other states in the Malay Federation insisted on passing laws that favored ethnic Malay people over minority groups. Singapore, however, is majority Chinese with a Malay minority. As a result, race riots rocked Singapore in 1964, and the following year the Malaysian parliament expelled Singapore from the federation. Why Did the British Leave Singapore in 1963? Singapore was founded as a British colonial port in 1819; the British used it as a foothold in order to challenge Dutch domination of the Spice Islands (Indonesia). The British East India Company administered the island along with Penang and Malacca. Singapore became a Crown colony in 1867, when the British East India Company collapsed after the Indian Revolt. Singapore was separated bureaucratically from India and made into a directly-ruled British colony. This would continue until the Japanese seized Singapore in 1942, as part of their Southern Expansion drive during World War II.   The Battle of Singapore was one of the most grueling in that phase of the Second World War. After the war, Japan withdrew and returned control of Singapore to the British. However, Great Britain was impoverished, and much of London lay in ruins from German bombardment and rocket attacks. The British had few resources and not much interest to bestow on a small, far-off colony such as Singapore. On the island, a growing nationalist movement called for self-rule. Gradually, Singapore moved away from British rule. In 1955, Singapore became a nominally self-governing member of the British Commonwealth. By 1959, the local government controlled all internal matters except for security and policing; Britain also continued to run Singapores foreign policy. In 1963, Singapore merged with Malaysia and became completely independent from the British Empire. Why is Chewing Gum Banned in Singapore? In 1992, the government of Singapore banned chewing gum. This move was a reaction to littering - used gum left on sidewalks and under park benches, for example - as well as vandalism. Gum chewers occasionally stuck their gum on elevator buttons or on the sensors of commuter train doors, causing messes and malfunctions. Singapore has a uniquely strict government, as well as a reputation for being clean and green (eco-friendly). Therefore, the government simply banned all chewing gum. The ban was loosened slightly in 2004 when Singapore negotiated a free-trade agreement with the United States, allowing for tightly-controlled imports of nicotine gum to help smokers quit. However, the prohibition on ordinary chewing gum was reaffirmed in 2010. Those caught chewing gum receive a modest fine, equivalent to a littering fine. Anyone caught smuggling gum into Singapore can be sentenced to up to a year in jail and a $5,500 US fine. Contrary to rumor, nobody has been caned in Singapore for chewing or selling gum.

Friday, November 22, 2019

If accounting policies only determine how past transactions are Essay - 1

If accounting policies only determine how past transactions are recorded and reflected in financial reports, how can the choice - Essay Example Discussion In 1977, the Financial Accounting Standards Board proposed to change the accounting methods used in the oil industry from full costing (FC) to successful efforts (SE). The FSAB through the Exposure Draft received great opposition from oil companies because the change in accounting method could adversely reduce the market share price and earnings at the same time. From an analysis carried out, 64% of the oil companies will have their earnings decreasing by 5% or more and 74% of the companies surveyed could have a 5% or more decrease in the market share price if they changed the accounting method from full costing to successful efforts (Zeff, 1979). On average, it was established that the industry’s market share price and earnings decreased by 4.5% in three days after the release of the Exposure Draft (Lev, 1979). The financial accounting standards board put forward two method used to account for oil and gas exploration cost. These include the full costing method and the successful efforts method. The two methods differ in the way they treat exploration costs (Myers, 1979). Successful Efforts method Under this method, the costs are incurred in unsuccessful exploration are charged as current expenses and therefore not carried forward as assets. Under the SE method, costs are capitalized by collection if the costs directly end up in the development of proved reserves. Costs not resulting in proved reserves are expensed as are incurred or as a determination of verified reserves is made. Simply, within a cost group, wells that are explored and found dry are expensed and wells that are successfully explored and developed are capitalized (Lev, 1979). Full Costing Method The FC method, on the other hand, treats all costs that oil companies incurred in exploration oil and gas reserves as assets subject to a limitation that the total amount carried forward does not exceed the approximated value of the reserves, anywhere the well is located either within the country or across any continent (Lev, 1979). Under the full cost method, all charges of discovering and evolving wells are capitalized regardless of the fact that they are proven or not. After which, depletion is done using the units of production technique where the all the proven oil and gas reserves are taken into consideration (Myers, 1979). Fundamentally, all of the costs of developing gas and oil reserves, both successful and unsuccessful are depleted as output units which are recovered from the successful wells (Myers, 1979). This method is permitted by the Securities Exchange Commission but not favored by the FASB and is proposed as an inducement for the investigation of further oil and gas assets since charges related to failed exploration can be expensed over time rather than as incurred (Myers, 1979). The Securities Exchange Commission was in charge of regulating the oil industry as per the Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. Shortly before this act, FASB had expressed interest of setting accounting standard to be used in the oil industry. For this reason, SEC relied on FASB for setting accounting standard for the oil industry. FASB then came up with the Exposure Draft the proposed to change the accounting method used in the industry (Lev, 1979). According to FASB, the full costing method was inappropriate as it did not reflect uniformity in the oil indust

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporate Social Responsibility Plan Research Paper

Corporate Social Responsibility Plan - Research Paper Example to the need to incorporate these plans directly into corporate social responsibility and so the plans are implemented isolated differently from corporate social responsibility plans. Until such a time that the corporate strategic plans of the company are integrated into the corporate social responsibility plans, the full potential of the company in terms of organizational growth cannot be attained. Nationwide Insurance is certainly in the financial industry, where it is expected to be a major stakeholder in the determination of the investment of people through insurance. Closely related to the background of the role of the company in offering secure investment policies for its clients are the vision and value statements of the company structured. The vision statement of the company is therefore given a â€Å"to become a competitive leader in the provision of risk-free insurance that meets customers at the points of their need†. The vision statement indicates clearly that the major focus of the company is the customer and that the company wants to put the customer first in all its business dealings. Much of the company’s ways of going about its business is directed at achieving the vision of the company. This is however done in a well laid out format that is backed by the use of empirical themes. For example, there is the use of three spheres and the environment, which together makes economic, political, civil society and the environment. In all of these thematic areas, the company tries to give to the customer value oriented service and business product that satisfies the demanding conditions of the company. On a scale of ten therefore, the success rate of programs that are currently in use in line with the four themes could be said to 8 out 10 successful. It was recently discovered that one of the best ways to achieve a holistic goal for all four themes is to make use of corporate social responsibilities (Urwick, 2003). This led to the designing of a series

Monday, November 18, 2019

Narrative on Seminar Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Narrative on Seminar Discussion - Essay Example Unless followers see outstanding qualities in leaders, it is impossible for them to develop any attachment to the leaders. However, when followers are led by the type of leaders they want, high productivity levels become evident. In the discussion held by Jones and Gofee, it became evident that followers have expectations and do not follow leaders blindly. It was intriguing for me to listen to the two experts highlighting the expectation of followers from their leaders. One of the aspects that became evident is that followers need to be led by leaders who can inspire them. Notably, a leader is responsible for inspiring members of his or her team. The emergence of transformational leadership as one of the highly influential leadership theories I the 21st century has served to place emphasis on this aspect. Followers need leaders who can motivate and inspire them to bring out their best. It is possible for leaders to inspire followers if they communicate their vision to the followers. Followers need to understand a leader’s vision for the organization. If the vision is appealing and convincing, then followers are willing to make it a reality. In many cases, leaders who lack the capacity to inspire their followers face frustrations from daily reports of low productivity. Notably, experts have explored numerous theories and strategies that explain how leaders can inspire their followers. The fact that Jones and Gofee give this aspect a priority in their discussion reveals the level of importance it has (Goffee & Jones, 2000). Leaders need to exhibit a passion for the company’s goals and develop a clear vision of the organization. Leaders who can do this, make their followers feel energized. Inspiration requires leaders to initiate positive changes within the organization and the individuals as well. A leader who can inspire team members effectively is

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Concepts and Strategies of Brand Management

Concepts and Strategies of Brand Management ABSTRACT Branded products can be seen everywhere around us at all time, and is a way of communication for the buyer of the product. Brand management will play a more significant role in future marketing competition, so research on the brand management is likely to become more meaningful and interesting. Brand management can really create value like increasing more adaptability, uniqueness, recognition etc. All in all, brand management is significant and can add value to firms. The project discusses all about deciding and evaluating brand name. the logo and colour of the brand play an important role in attracting the consumers. Moreover after deciding the brand name, it is mandatory to register the name at trademark registration office. All this process is followed by launching or re-launching the new product or the recalled product respectively. Moreover companies have realised that the role of the company does not got over by mere launching the brand but they have to do continuous marketing to sustain in the competitive market. Over period of time, the value of product decline due to many factors and companies have to work on the revitalizing the brand image and thus leads to success of the product. The brand name is thus one of the most powerful sources of identity CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION TO BRAND A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. is a well said verse by Jeffrey Preston Bezos, the President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of Amazon.com BRAND A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer. Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being dscribed as cultural accessories and personal philosophies. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. Technically speaking, whenever a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a new product or service, he or she has created a brand. Now the question still is not clear about what all brand is about so we can say that brand is a promise, brand is and associated image and everyone and everything is brand. A BRAND IS A PROMISE First and foremost, a brand is a promise. It says you know the name, you can trust the promise. As all promises, it is trusted only as far as those promises are met. Trust is a critical first step and brands aim to accelerate that step by leveraging the implied promise of the brand. A BRAND IS AN ASSOCIATED IMAGE Most brands have a logo which acts as a short-cut to remind us of the brand promise. The logo uses color, shape, letters and images to create a distinctive image that is designed both to catch our eye and to guide our thoughts in the right direction. The brand may also be associated with tunes, celebrities, catchphrases and so on. All parts of the brand image works as a psychological trigger or stimulus that causes an association to all other thoughts we have about the brand. EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IS A BRAND If you get down to the detail, everything is a brand, because we build our understanding of the world by creating associations about everything. A tree has an implied promise of beauty and shade. Even words are brands. When I say speed, you will conjure up images of fast cars, etc. People are brands, too. When people see you, or even hear your name, they will recall the image they have of you, (which is something you can actively manage or let happen). In a company where people are visible to customers, such as a service business, the people are very much a part the brand. The brand name is thus one of the most powerful sources of identity. When a brand questions its identity, the best answer is therefore to thoroughly examine its name and so try to understand the reasoning behind its creation. In doing so, we can discover the brands intentions and programme. Many brands make every effort to acquit qualities which their brand name fails to reflect or simply excludes altogether. A name-like an identity-has to be managed. Certain names may have a double meaning. The purpose of communication then is to select one and drop the other. IMPORTANCE OF BRAND Branding is a very powerful component in buisness. The brand must have a logo to make branding easier and more possible. The consumers decide if they will buy a product or use a service based on how they view the brand. The brand itself tells us or let us imagine how good ir bad the product is even we never tasted it before. All that brand promotion and advertising really do tell us how great a brand can be (like Nike). Once the customer likes your brand he/she will definitely come back for the repeated services or pproducts. The qualities of the product or services are ensured through the mind of customers from the image of the brand. Therefore, Brand is not only convinient for buisness for repeated customer purchase but also easier for customers to filter out the countless generic items. Brand gives consumer the reason to buy it and wastes less time for customer to choose a particular product or service. TYPES OF BRAND There are two main types of brand – manufacturer brands and own-label brands. MANUFACTURER BRANDS Manufacturer brands are created by producers and bear their chosen brand name. The producer is responsible for marketing the brand. The brand is owned by the producer. By building their brand names, manufacturers can gain widespread distribution (for example by retailers who want to sell the brand) and build customer loyalty (think about the manufacturer brands that you feel loyal to). OWN LABEL BRANDS Own-label brands are created and owned by businesses that operate in the distribution channel – often referred to as distributors. Often these distributors are retailers, but not exclusively. Sometimes the retailers entire product range will be own-label. However, more often, the distributor will mix own-label and manufacturers brands. Own-label branding – if well carried out – can often offer the consumer excellent value for money and provide the distributor with additional bargaining power when it comes to negotiating prices and terms with manufacturer brands BRAND EQUITY Brand equity refers to the value of a brand. Brand equity is based on the extent to which the brand has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and strong product associations. Brand equity also includes other intangible assets such as patents, trademarks and channel relationships. The list below shows the worlds top 10 brands in 2002 (as measured by value): {Rank Brand Value ($ billions)} Coca-Cola..($69.6) Microsoft.($64.1) IBM($51.2) GE..($41.3) Intel.($30.9) Nokia.($30.0) Disney($29.3) McDonalds..($26.4) Marlboro..($24.2) Mercedes.($21.0) Source: Interbrand; JP Morgan Chase, 2002 CHAPTER 2 THE BRAND : SOURCE OF VALUE FOR THE CONSUMER The brand is a focal point for all the positive and negative impression created by buyer over time as he comes in contact with the brands product, distribution channel, personnel and communication. A brand continues to be, at least in the short term, a good example for quality even after the patent has expired. The life of patent is extented, thanks to brans, thus explaining the importance of branding in the pharmaceutical or the chemical industry. The brand performs an economic function in consumers mind and thus has a lasting and memorable effect on the companys activities. Legally a brand is simply a symbol which distinguishes a companys product and certifies its origin and thus obtains its value through registration and conformity. The value of brand comes from its ability to gain an exclusive, positive and prominent meaning in the minds of a large number of consumers. The tangible and intangible benefits which are derived from the consumption of a product of a brand are encapsulated in the strong brand. When a brand is created at first it is worth nothing. Over the time the logo acquires significance by means of advertising. Advertising are forgotten quickly whereas a brand stays in memory along with the implications which are attached to it by public. The brand is thus stocked in the mind of potential consumers. Hence, brand can be considered as an asset of the company. ADVANTAGES OF STRONG BRAND Greater perception of product or service performance. Greater marketing communication effectiveness Greater customer retention and loyalty More appreciative consumer response on price increase or decrease Has very high awareness Receives a lot of free publicity/buzz Is admired and has high purchase intent Enables the owner to charge a price premium Results in increased market share, especially for the target customers Provides increased bargaining power with business partners Provides a platform for growth beyond the current products and product categories Helps attract and retain talented employees Helps the management team align employees in support of the brands promise Often provides clarity for budgeting and capital investment decision Increases an organizations sales, profit margins, stock price and market valuation Larger margin Less vulnerability to competitive marketing action and marketing crisis Greater trade cooperation and support Possible licensing and franchising opportunities Greater brand extension opportunities ROLE OF BRAND IN PRODUCT CHARACTERIZATION The product can be characterized into three types : The qualities which are noticed by contact, before buying. Eg. Decision to buy a pair of socks. The choice is made according to the visible characteristics i.e the pattern, the style, the material, the feel, the elasticity and the price. The qualities which are noticed uniquely by experience, thus after buying. Eg. Automobile market. The performance, consumption and style can be assessed before buying the car but road-holding, the pleasure of driving, reliability and quality cannot be entirely appreciated through test drive. Credence qualities which cannot be verified even after consumption and which you have to take on trust. Eg. In the market for upmarket car, the feeling that we have made it, that certain feeling of fulfillment and personal success through buying and owing a BMW are typically the results of pure faith. Hence the role of brand is made clearer by this classification of sought-after qualities. The brand is a sign whose function is to disclose the hidden qualities of the product which are inaccessible to contact (sight, touch, hearing, smell) and possibly those which are accessible through experience but where the consumer does not want to take the risk of trying the product. As we can see, a brand provides not only a source of information but performs certain other functions which justify its attractiveness and its monetary return when it is valued by buyers. FUNCTIONS OF BRAND FOR CONSUMER The eight function of brand are presented in the table given below. The first two are mechanical and concern the essence of the brand i.e to function as a recognized symbol in order to facilitate choice and to gain time. The following three functions reduce the perceived risk. The last three have a more pleasurable side to them ethics show that the buyers are expecting, more and more, responsible behavior from their brands. FUNCTION CONSUMER BENEFIT Identification To be clearly seen, to make sense of the offer, to quickly identify the sought-after products. Practicality To allow saving of time and energy through identical repurchasing and loyalty. Guarantee To be sure of finding the same quality no matter where or when you buy the product or service. Optimization To be sure of buying the best product in its category, the best performer for the particular purpose. Characterization To have confirmation of your self-image or the image that you present to others. Continuity Satisfaction brought about through familiarity and intimacy with the brand that you have been consuming for years. Hedonistic Satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the brand, to its logo, to its communication. Ethical Satisfaction linked to the responsible behavior of the brand in its relationship with society. Table : The function of the brand for the consumer. Hence we can say that brand plays an important role in the company. The brand of a company is created by the company and its customers together. The company has to make clear through its brand the promise it makes to its customers, based on the strategies and vision for the future of its business and products. It is vital that the company fully comprehends exactly what the customers expect from the brand, and that it continually lives up to this expectations. The aim of brand management is to create a brand that will build this long-term relationship an unshakeable bond between the company and its customers. Brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity.1 These concepts and techniques are to improve the long-term profitability of the brand strategies. CHAPTER – 3 BRAND MANAGEMENT Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the products perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Brand management is a dynamic and a continuous process that needs consistent investment of time and money. The boardroom must ensure that brand management is allocated a specific budget as it is much more than mere marketing communications. Due to the intangible nature of branding, the results may not accrue in a short period of time a it takes time and reinforcement to build customer loyalty. Brand management is all about the total approach says about defining the brand and control its management by the leaders of the company. Once the approach is finalised than create the promise by describing all about the product followed by making the promise by doing marketing of the product and inject the information about the product into the mind of consumer. Lastly it is important to keep the promise, what you have made during the marketing of the product. TOTAL APPROACH Brand management starts with understanding what brand really means. This starts with the leaders of the company who define the brand and control its management. It also reaches all the way down the company and especially to the people who interface with customers or who create the products which customers use. Brand management performed to its full extent means starting and ending the management of the whole company through the brand. It is simply far too important to leave to the marketing department. CREATING THE PROMISE Creating the promise means defining the brand. A good brand promise is memorable and desirable. It cannot be effective if nobody remembers it, and is no good either if nobody wants it. A good brand promise evokes feelings, because feelings drive actions. The promise must be unique and identified with you alone. The right promise comes through a deep understanding of the marketplace and the customers who are going to use the product. It also comes from a deep understanding of the capabilities and motivations of the people in the company. MAKING THE PROMISE Once the promise is created, the next step is to somehow inject it into the minds of the customers, the staff and everyone who receives anything from you or has any impact on what you deliver. This is where marketing people come into their own. Although it is still not their sole preserve, a large part of marketing, which includes advertising and PR, is about positioning the company and its products in the minds of customers and against your competitors. KEEPING THE PROMISE Creating and making the right promise is one thing, but then you have to keep it. If you do not, you brand will still exist, but now the promise will be of slipshod products and inconsistent delivery. Keeping promises means managing capability. It means consistent processes that are capable of delivering what is required. It means technology and systems which are reliable and usable. It means motivated people who are willing and able to deliver the goods. Marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. This may increase sales by making a comparison with competing products favourable. It may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer. Brand management includes the trademark registration of the brand, brand selection and evaluation, launching a brand sustaining a brand, brand extension. The trademark registration in India follows the trademark registration procedures and specific laws. CHAPTER – 4 BRAND SELECTION AND EVALUATION In the next five years, we will see a rapidly changing landscape across the globe, where the opportunities for businesses to benefit from corporate and product branding efforts will be larger than ever before. The growing emphasis on branding will move up the boardroom agenda and it is strongly believed that branding will become one of the most prominent drivers of value across the globe in the next two decades. Businesses with a sustainable business model and with a visionary and passionate CEO with branding talent will benefit from the rising opportunities for competing in the modern marketplace and potentially taking on the global scene. It needs to be no less than the CEO who embodies the branding efforts and serves as the companys and thereby the brands primary advocate and nurturer. The approach is particularly well suited to companies whose top executives have a passion and talent for brand strategy, but in tomorrows tough environment all top-executives must be able to represent and lead the brand. The top executives of world class companies are directly involved in leading the branding vision, strategy and implementation, and spend a significant amount of their work hours to drive their brands forward and to achieve even better results. Tomorrows CEO must be a brand champion who leads corporate and product branding strategies, all strategic brand-portfolio decisions and constantly monitors the implementation of the brand locally, regionally and globally. A strong CEO has credibility and respect not only because of business talent and organizational power but also because of the depth of experience, knowledge, and insight. A suggestion from a visionary CEO with branding talent and managerial experience in branding and marketing is the key driver of the branding efforts and results in any successful organization internally and externally. The selection and evaluation of a product or service name is one of the brand name components. We know that : It ensures legal protection of certain product or service characteristics, which prevents competition from copying them It allows producers and salesmen to obtain a loyal and profitable consumer group It allows easier adjustment to segmented markets as the companies are able to function on the principle of one brand name one segment It allows the company image to be established It allows a connection with the desired product or service position It makes the product attractive for the consumer It creates various advantages and exclusiveness for the product or service METHODS USED TO CHOOSE A PRODUCT NAME Just as parents carefully choose names for their children, companies have the same difficult and extremely responsible task for naming products. They conduct qualitative research by which we can evaluate the relation to the product, its use, the product image and its comparison to competition. They organize brainstorming meetings from which we get an enormous amount of suggestions for the new names. They offer a chain associates with associations which relates to the product or individual names.they form a base for name suggestions. They apply eureka method helping with various literature, computer scattering of letters and creating new names. They test the name suggestion in target groups. PROCESS OF SELECTING AND EVALUATING BRAND NAMES The process of selecting and evaluating brand names runs according to the following steps : Identification of goals and criteria for brand name. Creating bank names Selection of suggestion Evaluating the consumer Evaluating legal protection Final name decision IDENTIFICATION OF GOALS AND CRITERIA FOR BRAND NAME The basis for a targeted search of a suitable name is determining the starting points, which means criteria that are expressed by a suitable name. Apart from general ones such as easy to remember, popularity, easy pronunciation etc. it is essential to determine specific ones that derive from the desired brand name position which will carry such a name. CREATING BANK NAMES In creating bank names it is important to rely on many sources. In this way we are able to rely on many sources. In this way we are able to avoid fixations on only one idea which narrows the creative process. The purpose of this phase is to obtain various suggestions according to the pre determined starting points. SELECTION OF SUGGESTION The next level in finding a suitable name is the selection of suggestion which have been made. A qualified team of experts that consists of many different people does the selection. The selection is finished when 8-12 suggestions that the most correspond to the expert teams opinion have been chosen. EVALUATING THE CONSUMER When a qualified team of experts make its suggestion, the most suitable bank name in their opinion, it is important to evaluate them in target groups. This must be done, because the name of the brand will be given to a product or service which will fulfil the needs of certain groups of people. The chosen name must be likeable and suitable for this group of people. EVALUATING LEGAL PROTECTION Before the final decision of the most suitable suggestion it is essential to check whether the client can register the name of the brand. In most cases the client or the holder of the brands name can do this before the testing of consumer suggestions. FINAL NAME DECISION The final decision on the chosen name depends on the client, who must consider not only the outcome of the evaluation by target consumer groups but also the position he wishes the product to have. After selecting the brand name the important things on which we should focus is its character, its visual symbol and logotypes, its colour, geographical and historical roots. BRAND CHARACTER One of the most important assets of an enterprise is the brand. The character of the brand is a critical success factor for the enterprise (and for the value of the brand). Character can be seen in terms of the attention, affection and trust awarded to the brand by the market. For a brand to have character, it needs to have positive public awareness. It also needs to have clarity, and a consistent brand proposition. This means that customers know what to expect from the brand in terms of product quality, customer service and so on. It also means that people supporting the brand (whether your own staff or third parties) know how to deliver the brand proposition. VISUAL SYMBOLS AND LOGOTYPES Everybody knows Nikes dash, Adidas three stripes, Nestlà ©s nest, Amuls girl. These symbols help us to understand the brands culture and personality. They are actually chosen as such, the corporate specifications handed over to graphic identity and design agencies mainly pertain to the brands personality traits and values. Logo should be: simple distinctive intuitive COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY AND BRAND Colour is one of the most important components in creating brand identity. The purpose of a brand identity system is to encode a brand in peoples memory and retrieve it from their memory. In a visual system, the two most powerful components are the consistent recognizable shapes and colours. It is best if these shapes and colours are distinctive. Colour can have a significant affect on peoples perception of a product or brand. For instance, burgundy and forest green are perceived to be upscale while an orange label or package indicates an inexpensive item. Third, colours can actually have an affect on a persons state of mind and cognitive ability as demonstrated by numerous research studies. For instance, pink has been shown to increase a persons appetite and calm prison inmates. Be aware that colors can have different symbolic meanings in different countries and cultures. BRAND NAME The importance of an image has become an emotional part of everyone. A brand name represents the image, character and personality of a brand. A brand name should be clear, lucid, easy to remember, distinct from the competition and should not be generic to the category. It should become customers Top of the mind brand (TOMB). Most successful brand names would satisfy these criterions to quite an extent. Brand names that are linked to associations of their origins or product will create first impressions to the user. BRAND IMAGE The vast flow of names today makes it harder to differentiate them unless they come out with their own uniqueness. This way, they could come to their special position in everyday life. The image following a particular name is also determined by the role of communication it undergoes; of which the followings are included: its manner, personality, behavior, ethics, values, etc. The importance of brands depends on the true ambitions of the company. It is important to take into account several factors and market circumstances before finalizing the brand name and its image. Company should take into account several factors and market circumstances like company goals, consumer wishes and expectations, trade groups and several other groups. A company builds its brand image through trade communication with its consumers. That is how a company informs the consumer of what the brand represents, what its values are, what the company is offering or guaranteeing the consumer, what its advantages are, its qualities etc. The consumers interpret all obtained information and form a subjective perception of the brand or its image. CHAPTER – 5 TRADEMARK REGISTRATION LEGISLATION (INDIA TRADEMARK LAW) The Indian law of trademarks is enshrined the new Trade Marks Act, 1999 came into force with effect from September 15, 2003. The old Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was repealed at the same time. The new Trademarks Act of 1999 is in line with the World Trade Organisation recommendations and is in conformity with the TRIPS Agreement to which India is a signatory. MAIN FEATURES OF NEW LEGISLATION IN INDIA Under the new Trademarks Act of 1999 Registration of Service Marks allowed in addition to Trademarks for goods. No separate application necessary for each category/class of goods or services; a single application would do, however filing fee will be charged separately for each class of goods/services. The term of registration of trademark is ten years, subject to renewal thereafter The system of maintaining registration of trademark in Part A and Part B with different legal rights, dispensed away. Registration of trademarks which are imitations of well known trademarks not permitted. Registration of Collective Marks owned by associations allowed. Offences relating to trademark made cognizable. Filing Fees enhanced by more than 8 times. Extension of application of convention countries. WHAT IS A TRADEMARK ? A Mark` may consist of a word or invented word, signature, device, letter, numeral, brand, heading, label, name written in a particular style, the shape of goods other than those for which a mark is proposed to be used, or any combination thereof or a combination of colors and so forth. Subject to certain conditions, a trademark may also be symbolized by the name of a person, living or dead. For the purpose of registration, a mark chosen should be capable of distinguishing goods or services of one person from those of the others. Further it should not be deceptively similar to an existing mark of another person and not the one expressly prohibited under the Act. The marks devoid of any distinctive character, or which are only indicative of the kind, quality, quantity, purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods, or which are marks already in vogue in the trade due to their customary use may not be registered. But these disqualifications do not apply to marks, which have already acquired distinction due to their popularity and consistent use. Internationally acclaimed brand names are freely available for use in Indi Concepts and Strategies of Brand Management Concepts and Strategies of Brand Management ABSTRACT Branded products can be seen everywhere around us at all time, and is a way of communication for the buyer of the product. Brand management will play a more significant role in future marketing competition, so research on the brand management is likely to become more meaningful and interesting. Brand management can really create value like increasing more adaptability, uniqueness, recognition etc. All in all, brand management is significant and can add value to firms. The project discusses all about deciding and evaluating brand name. the logo and colour of the brand play an important role in attracting the consumers. Moreover after deciding the brand name, it is mandatory to register the name at trademark registration office. All this process is followed by launching or re-launching the new product or the recalled product respectively. Moreover companies have realised that the role of the company does not got over by mere launching the brand but they have to do continuous marketing to sustain in the competitive market. Over period of time, the value of product decline due to many factors and companies have to work on the revitalizing the brand image and thus leads to success of the product. The brand name is thus one of the most powerful sources of identity CHAPTER – 1 INTRODUCTION TO BRAND A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn reputation by trying to do hard things well. is a well said verse by Jeffrey Preston Bezos, the President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the board of Amazon.com BRAND A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer. Brands have become increasingly important components of culture and the economy, now being dscribed as cultural accessories and personal philosophies. According to the American Marketing Association (AMA), brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of them, intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competition. Technically speaking, whenever a marketer creates a new name, logo, or symbol for a new product or service, he or she has created a brand. Now the question still is not clear about what all brand is about so we can say that brand is a promise, brand is and associated image and everyone and everything is brand. A BRAND IS A PROMISE First and foremost, a brand is a promise. It says you know the name, you can trust the promise. As all promises, it is trusted only as far as those promises are met. Trust is a critical first step and brands aim to accelerate that step by leveraging the implied promise of the brand. A BRAND IS AN ASSOCIATED IMAGE Most brands have a logo which acts as a short-cut to remind us of the brand promise. The logo uses color, shape, letters and images to create a distinctive image that is designed both to catch our eye and to guide our thoughts in the right direction. The brand may also be associated with tunes, celebrities, catchphrases and so on. All parts of the brand image works as a psychological trigger or stimulus that causes an association to all other thoughts we have about the brand. EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE IS A BRAND If you get down to the detail, everything is a brand, because we build our understanding of the world by creating associations about everything. A tree has an implied promise of beauty and shade. Even words are brands. When I say speed, you will conjure up images of fast cars, etc. People are brands, too. When people see you, or even hear your name, they will recall the image they have of you, (which is something you can actively manage or let happen). In a company where people are visible to customers, such as a service business, the people are very much a part the brand. The brand name is thus one of the most powerful sources of identity. When a brand questions its identity, the best answer is therefore to thoroughly examine its name and so try to understand the reasoning behind its creation. In doing so, we can discover the brands intentions and programme. Many brands make every effort to acquit qualities which their brand name fails to reflect or simply excludes altogether. A name-like an identity-has to be managed. Certain names may have a double meaning. The purpose of communication then is to select one and drop the other. IMPORTANCE OF BRAND Branding is a very powerful component in buisness. The brand must have a logo to make branding easier and more possible. The consumers decide if they will buy a product or use a service based on how they view the brand. The brand itself tells us or let us imagine how good ir bad the product is even we never tasted it before. All that brand promotion and advertising really do tell us how great a brand can be (like Nike). Once the customer likes your brand he/she will definitely come back for the repeated services or pproducts. The qualities of the product or services are ensured through the mind of customers from the image of the brand. Therefore, Brand is not only convinient for buisness for repeated customer purchase but also easier for customers to filter out the countless generic items. Brand gives consumer the reason to buy it and wastes less time for customer to choose a particular product or service. TYPES OF BRAND There are two main types of brand – manufacturer brands and own-label brands. MANUFACTURER BRANDS Manufacturer brands are created by producers and bear their chosen brand name. The producer is responsible for marketing the brand. The brand is owned by the producer. By building their brand names, manufacturers can gain widespread distribution (for example by retailers who want to sell the brand) and build customer loyalty (think about the manufacturer brands that you feel loyal to). OWN LABEL BRANDS Own-label brands are created and owned by businesses that operate in the distribution channel – often referred to as distributors. Often these distributors are retailers, but not exclusively. Sometimes the retailers entire product range will be own-label. However, more often, the distributor will mix own-label and manufacturers brands. Own-label branding – if well carried out – can often offer the consumer excellent value for money and provide the distributor with additional bargaining power when it comes to negotiating prices and terms with manufacturer brands BRAND EQUITY Brand equity refers to the value of a brand. Brand equity is based on the extent to which the brand has high brand loyalty, name awareness, perceived quality and strong product associations. Brand equity also includes other intangible assets such as patents, trademarks and channel relationships. The list below shows the worlds top 10 brands in 2002 (as measured by value): {Rank Brand Value ($ billions)} Coca-Cola..($69.6) Microsoft.($64.1) IBM($51.2) GE..($41.3) Intel.($30.9) Nokia.($30.0) Disney($29.3) McDonalds..($26.4) Marlboro..($24.2) Mercedes.($21.0) Source: Interbrand; JP Morgan Chase, 2002 CHAPTER 2 THE BRAND : SOURCE OF VALUE FOR THE CONSUMER The brand is a focal point for all the positive and negative impression created by buyer over time as he comes in contact with the brands product, distribution channel, personnel and communication. A brand continues to be, at least in the short term, a good example for quality even after the patent has expired. The life of patent is extented, thanks to brans, thus explaining the importance of branding in the pharmaceutical or the chemical industry. The brand performs an economic function in consumers mind and thus has a lasting and memorable effect on the companys activities. Legally a brand is simply a symbol which distinguishes a companys product and certifies its origin and thus obtains its value through registration and conformity. The value of brand comes from its ability to gain an exclusive, positive and prominent meaning in the minds of a large number of consumers. The tangible and intangible benefits which are derived from the consumption of a product of a brand are encapsulated in the strong brand. When a brand is created at first it is worth nothing. Over the time the logo acquires significance by means of advertising. Advertising are forgotten quickly whereas a brand stays in memory along with the implications which are attached to it by public. The brand is thus stocked in the mind of potential consumers. Hence, brand can be considered as an asset of the company. ADVANTAGES OF STRONG BRAND Greater perception of product or service performance. Greater marketing communication effectiveness Greater customer retention and loyalty More appreciative consumer response on price increase or decrease Has very high awareness Receives a lot of free publicity/buzz Is admired and has high purchase intent Enables the owner to charge a price premium Results in increased market share, especially for the target customers Provides increased bargaining power with business partners Provides a platform for growth beyond the current products and product categories Helps attract and retain talented employees Helps the management team align employees in support of the brands promise Often provides clarity for budgeting and capital investment decision Increases an organizations sales, profit margins, stock price and market valuation Larger margin Less vulnerability to competitive marketing action and marketing crisis Greater trade cooperation and support Possible licensing and franchising opportunities Greater brand extension opportunities ROLE OF BRAND IN PRODUCT CHARACTERIZATION The product can be characterized into three types : The qualities which are noticed by contact, before buying. Eg. Decision to buy a pair of socks. The choice is made according to the visible characteristics i.e the pattern, the style, the material, the feel, the elasticity and the price. The qualities which are noticed uniquely by experience, thus after buying. Eg. Automobile market. The performance, consumption and style can be assessed before buying the car but road-holding, the pleasure of driving, reliability and quality cannot be entirely appreciated through test drive. Credence qualities which cannot be verified even after consumption and which you have to take on trust. Eg. In the market for upmarket car, the feeling that we have made it, that certain feeling of fulfillment and personal success through buying and owing a BMW are typically the results of pure faith. Hence the role of brand is made clearer by this classification of sought-after qualities. The brand is a sign whose function is to disclose the hidden qualities of the product which are inaccessible to contact (sight, touch, hearing, smell) and possibly those which are accessible through experience but where the consumer does not want to take the risk of trying the product. As we can see, a brand provides not only a source of information but performs certain other functions which justify its attractiveness and its monetary return when it is valued by buyers. FUNCTIONS OF BRAND FOR CONSUMER The eight function of brand are presented in the table given below. The first two are mechanical and concern the essence of the brand i.e to function as a recognized symbol in order to facilitate choice and to gain time. The following three functions reduce the perceived risk. The last three have a more pleasurable side to them ethics show that the buyers are expecting, more and more, responsible behavior from their brands. FUNCTION CONSUMER BENEFIT Identification To be clearly seen, to make sense of the offer, to quickly identify the sought-after products. Practicality To allow saving of time and energy through identical repurchasing and loyalty. Guarantee To be sure of finding the same quality no matter where or when you buy the product or service. Optimization To be sure of buying the best product in its category, the best performer for the particular purpose. Characterization To have confirmation of your self-image or the image that you present to others. Continuity Satisfaction brought about through familiarity and intimacy with the brand that you have been consuming for years. Hedonistic Satisfaction linked to the attractiveness of the brand, to its logo, to its communication. Ethical Satisfaction linked to the responsible behavior of the brand in its relationship with society. Table : The function of the brand for the consumer. Hence we can say that brand plays an important role in the company. The brand of a company is created by the company and its customers together. The company has to make clear through its brand the promise it makes to its customers, based on the strategies and vision for the future of its business and products. It is vital that the company fully comprehends exactly what the customers expect from the brand, and that it continually lives up to this expectations. The aim of brand management is to create a brand that will build this long-term relationship an unshakeable bond between the company and its customers. Brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity.1 These concepts and techniques are to improve the long-term profitability of the brand strategies. CHAPTER – 3 BRAND MANAGEMENT Brand management is the application of marketing techniques to a specific product, product line, or brand. It seeks to increase the products perceived value to the customer and thereby increase brand franchise and brand equity. Brand management is a dynamic and a continuous process that needs consistent investment of time and money. The boardroom must ensure that brand management is allocated a specific budget as it is much more than mere marketing communications. Due to the intangible nature of branding, the results may not accrue in a short period of time a it takes time and reinforcement to build customer loyalty. Brand management is all about the total approach says about defining the brand and control its management by the leaders of the company. Once the approach is finalised than create the promise by describing all about the product followed by making the promise by doing marketing of the product and inject the information about the product into the mind of consumer. Lastly it is important to keep the promise, what you have made during the marketing of the product. TOTAL APPROACH Brand management starts with understanding what brand really means. This starts with the leaders of the company who define the brand and control its management. It also reaches all the way down the company and especially to the people who interface with customers or who create the products which customers use. Brand management performed to its full extent means starting and ending the management of the whole company through the brand. It is simply far too important to leave to the marketing department. CREATING THE PROMISE Creating the promise means defining the brand. A good brand promise is memorable and desirable. It cannot be effective if nobody remembers it, and is no good either if nobody wants it. A good brand promise evokes feelings, because feelings drive actions. The promise must be unique and identified with you alone. The right promise comes through a deep understanding of the marketplace and the customers who are going to use the product. It also comes from a deep understanding of the capabilities and motivations of the people in the company. MAKING THE PROMISE Once the promise is created, the next step is to somehow inject it into the minds of the customers, the staff and everyone who receives anything from you or has any impact on what you deliver. This is where marketing people come into their own. Although it is still not their sole preserve, a large part of marketing, which includes advertising and PR, is about positioning the company and its products in the minds of customers and against your competitors. KEEPING THE PROMISE Creating and making the right promise is one thing, but then you have to keep it. If you do not, you brand will still exist, but now the promise will be of slipshod products and inconsistent delivery. Keeping promises means managing capability. It means consistent processes that are capable of delivering what is required. It means technology and systems which are reliable and usable. It means motivated people who are willing and able to deliver the goods. Marketers see a brand as an implied promise that the level of quality people have come to expect from a brand will continue with future purchases of the same product. This may increase sales by making a comparison with competing products favourable. It may also enable the manufacturer to charge more for the product. The value of the brand is determined by the amount of profit it generates for the manufacturer. Brand management includes the trademark registration of the brand, brand selection and evaluation, launching a brand sustaining a brand, brand extension. The trademark registration in India follows the trademark registration procedures and specific laws. CHAPTER – 4 BRAND SELECTION AND EVALUATION In the next five years, we will see a rapidly changing landscape across the globe, where the opportunities for businesses to benefit from corporate and product branding efforts will be larger than ever before. The growing emphasis on branding will move up the boardroom agenda and it is strongly believed that branding will become one of the most prominent drivers of value across the globe in the next two decades. Businesses with a sustainable business model and with a visionary and passionate CEO with branding talent will benefit from the rising opportunities for competing in the modern marketplace and potentially taking on the global scene. It needs to be no less than the CEO who embodies the branding efforts and serves as the companys and thereby the brands primary advocate and nurturer. The approach is particularly well suited to companies whose top executives have a passion and talent for brand strategy, but in tomorrows tough environment all top-executives must be able to represent and lead the brand. The top executives of world class companies are directly involved in leading the branding vision, strategy and implementation, and spend a significant amount of their work hours to drive their brands forward and to achieve even better results. Tomorrows CEO must be a brand champion who leads corporate and product branding strategies, all strategic brand-portfolio decisions and constantly monitors the implementation of the brand locally, regionally and globally. A strong CEO has credibility and respect not only because of business talent and organizational power but also because of the depth of experience, knowledge, and insight. A suggestion from a visionary CEO with branding talent and managerial experience in branding and marketing is the key driver of the branding efforts and results in any successful organization internally and externally. The selection and evaluation of a product or service name is one of the brand name components. We know that : It ensures legal protection of certain product or service characteristics, which prevents competition from copying them It allows producers and salesmen to obtain a loyal and profitable consumer group It allows easier adjustment to segmented markets as the companies are able to function on the principle of one brand name one segment It allows the company image to be established It allows a connection with the desired product or service position It makes the product attractive for the consumer It creates various advantages and exclusiveness for the product or service METHODS USED TO CHOOSE A PRODUCT NAME Just as parents carefully choose names for their children, companies have the same difficult and extremely responsible task for naming products. They conduct qualitative research by which we can evaluate the relation to the product, its use, the product image and its comparison to competition. They organize brainstorming meetings from which we get an enormous amount of suggestions for the new names. They offer a chain associates with associations which relates to the product or individual names.they form a base for name suggestions. They apply eureka method helping with various literature, computer scattering of letters and creating new names. They test the name suggestion in target groups. PROCESS OF SELECTING AND EVALUATING BRAND NAMES The process of selecting and evaluating brand names runs according to the following steps : Identification of goals and criteria for brand name. Creating bank names Selection of suggestion Evaluating the consumer Evaluating legal protection Final name decision IDENTIFICATION OF GOALS AND CRITERIA FOR BRAND NAME The basis for a targeted search of a suitable name is determining the starting points, which means criteria that are expressed by a suitable name. Apart from general ones such as easy to remember, popularity, easy pronunciation etc. it is essential to determine specific ones that derive from the desired brand name position which will carry such a name. CREATING BANK NAMES In creating bank names it is important to rely on many sources. In this way we are able to rely on many sources. In this way we are able to avoid fixations on only one idea which narrows the creative process. The purpose of this phase is to obtain various suggestions according to the pre determined starting points. SELECTION OF SUGGESTION The next level in finding a suitable name is the selection of suggestion which have been made. A qualified team of experts that consists of many different people does the selection. The selection is finished when 8-12 suggestions that the most correspond to the expert teams opinion have been chosen. EVALUATING THE CONSUMER When a qualified team of experts make its suggestion, the most suitable bank name in their opinion, it is important to evaluate them in target groups. This must be done, because the name of the brand will be given to a product or service which will fulfil the needs of certain groups of people. The chosen name must be likeable and suitable for this group of people. EVALUATING LEGAL PROTECTION Before the final decision of the most suitable suggestion it is essential to check whether the client can register the name of the brand. In most cases the client or the holder of the brands name can do this before the testing of consumer suggestions. FINAL NAME DECISION The final decision on the chosen name depends on the client, who must consider not only the outcome of the evaluation by target consumer groups but also the position he wishes the product to have. After selecting the brand name the important things on which we should focus is its character, its visual symbol and logotypes, its colour, geographical and historical roots. BRAND CHARACTER One of the most important assets of an enterprise is the brand. The character of the brand is a critical success factor for the enterprise (and for the value of the brand). Character can be seen in terms of the attention, affection and trust awarded to the brand by the market. For a brand to have character, it needs to have positive public awareness. It also needs to have clarity, and a consistent brand proposition. This means that customers know what to expect from the brand in terms of product quality, customer service and so on. It also means that people supporting the brand (whether your own staff or third parties) know how to deliver the brand proposition. VISUAL SYMBOLS AND LOGOTYPES Everybody knows Nikes dash, Adidas three stripes, Nestlà ©s nest, Amuls girl. These symbols help us to understand the brands culture and personality. They are actually chosen as such, the corporate specifications handed over to graphic identity and design agencies mainly pertain to the brands personality traits and values. Logo should be: simple distinctive intuitive COLOUR PSYCHOLOGY AND BRAND Colour is one of the most important components in creating brand identity. The purpose of a brand identity system is to encode a brand in peoples memory and retrieve it from their memory. In a visual system, the two most powerful components are the consistent recognizable shapes and colours. It is best if these shapes and colours are distinctive. Colour can have a significant affect on peoples perception of a product or brand. For instance, burgundy and forest green are perceived to be upscale while an orange label or package indicates an inexpensive item. Third, colours can actually have an affect on a persons state of mind and cognitive ability as demonstrated by numerous research studies. For instance, pink has been shown to increase a persons appetite and calm prison inmates. Be aware that colors can have different symbolic meanings in different countries and cultures. BRAND NAME The importance of an image has become an emotional part of everyone. A brand name represents the image, character and personality of a brand. A brand name should be clear, lucid, easy to remember, distinct from the competition and should not be generic to the category. It should become customers Top of the mind brand (TOMB). Most successful brand names would satisfy these criterions to quite an extent. Brand names that are linked to associations of their origins or product will create first impressions to the user. BRAND IMAGE The vast flow of names today makes it harder to differentiate them unless they come out with their own uniqueness. This way, they could come to their special position in everyday life. The image following a particular name is also determined by the role of communication it undergoes; of which the followings are included: its manner, personality, behavior, ethics, values, etc. The importance of brands depends on the true ambitions of the company. It is important to take into account several factors and market circumstances before finalizing the brand name and its image. Company should take into account several factors and market circumstances like company goals, consumer wishes and expectations, trade groups and several other groups. A company builds its brand image through trade communication with its consumers. That is how a company informs the consumer of what the brand represents, what its values are, what the company is offering or guaranteeing the consumer, what its advantages are, its qualities etc. The consumers interpret all obtained information and form a subjective perception of the brand or its image. CHAPTER – 5 TRADEMARK REGISTRATION LEGISLATION (INDIA TRADEMARK LAW) The Indian law of trademarks is enshrined the new Trade Marks Act, 1999 came into force with effect from September 15, 2003. The old Trade and Merchandise Marks Act, 1958 was repealed at the same time. The new Trademarks Act of 1999 is in line with the World Trade Organisation recommendations and is in conformity with the TRIPS Agreement to which India is a signatory. MAIN FEATURES OF NEW LEGISLATION IN INDIA Under the new Trademarks Act of 1999 Registration of Service Marks allowed in addition to Trademarks for goods. No separate application necessary for each category/class of goods or services; a single application would do, however filing fee will be charged separately for each class of goods/services. The term of registration of trademark is ten years, subject to renewal thereafter The system of maintaining registration of trademark in Part A and Part B with different legal rights, dispensed away. Registration of trademarks which are imitations of well known trademarks not permitted. Registration of Collective Marks owned by associations allowed. Offences relating to trademark made cognizable. Filing Fees enhanced by more than 8 times. Extension of application of convention countries. WHAT IS A TRADEMARK ? A Mark` may consist of a word or invented word, signature, device, letter, numeral, brand, heading, label, name written in a particular style, the shape of goods other than those for which a mark is proposed to be used, or any combination thereof or a combination of colors and so forth. Subject to certain conditions, a trademark may also be symbolized by the name of a person, living or dead. For the purpose of registration, a mark chosen should be capable of distinguishing goods or services of one person from those of the others. Further it should not be deceptively similar to an existing mark of another person and not the one expressly prohibited under the Act. The marks devoid of any distinctive character, or which are only indicative of the kind, quality, quantity, purpose, value or geographical origin of the goods, or which are marks already in vogue in the trade due to their customary use may not be registered. But these disqualifications do not apply to marks, which have already acquired distinction due to their popularity and consistent use. Internationally acclaimed brand names are freely available for use in Indi

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Count Of Monte Cristo: Revenge :: essays research papers

The Count of Monte Cristo: Revenge The Story of Edmond Dantà ¨s, the Sailor, who Becomes the Rich & Powerful Count of Monte Cristo and Takes Revenge on all his Enemies. Chesky Hoffman June 17, 1996 Dr. Goodale In this essay I will show how Edmond Dantes punishes his four enemies with relation to their specific ambitions. Edmond is sent to jail due to his enemies' jealousy. After he escapes he becomes rich and powerful and gets back at them. Before I relate to you how Dantes gets back at his enemies I would like to familiarize you with the story. The story describes the life of its main character Edmond Dantes. He is promoted to captain of his ship. This promotion ignites the jealousy of his fellow shipmate Danglars. Dantes is then falsely accused of being a Bonapartist. This means he sides with Napoleon Bonaparte and is committing treason against his own king. He is sent to a prison called the Chà ¢teau d'If. The Chà ¢teau d'If was surrounded by water and was known as a place of no return. When Dantes escapes, he takes revenge against his four enemies who conspired against him to send him to prison, in the manner of an eye for and eye. These four conspirators are Danglars, Caderousse, Fernand Mondago, and Villefort. In order to take revenge on his four enemies, Dantes uses a variety of names and disguises. The main new identity he uses for himself is The Count of Monte Cristo. Danglars, as mentioned above, was the Count's shipmate when his name was still Edmond Dantes. When Edmond went to jail, Danglars ran away and became very rich. Caderousse was a tailor. He was also the Count's father's landlord and once the count was sent to prison, Caderousse allowed Dantes' father to starve to death. Fernand Mondago was in love with the count's fiancee Mercà ©des. When the Count was sent to jail Fernand married her on the pretext that the count would not return. These three enemies all got together one night and were all responsible for writing an incriminating letter about the Count to his fourth enemy, Monsieur De Villefort, who was the city's temporary prosecutor at the time. He was responsible for the actual sending of the Count to prison.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the Count escaped from prison, he discovered that all his enemies had moved to Paris. He became acquainted with people from that city and eventually moved there so that he could have his revenge. The revenge taken on Danglars matches the crime which he committed toward the Count. When Danglars wrote the incriminating letter about the Count, calling him a Bonapartist, his

Monday, November 11, 2019

Holes by Louis Sachar Essay

The book â€Å"Holes† by Louis Sachar is an interesting book that relates with friendship, independence and justice. Although this is pure fiction by its immaterial plot, it does not have a bad concept that could affect our child’s understanding of our long history of culture. We could include this book among our collection of stories for the kids in our library because for a child this book is full of fun and adventure. Its content can further contribute to the active imagination of young students and it could also provide interest in their reading for adventure books. Consequently, this book tells the story of a young boy whose family has been experiencing bad luck because his grandfather has been put in a curse. The clan has since been gripped by importunate events. One day bad luck falls on Stanley Yelnats, one of the great grandsons of the cursed man. He was hit by an expensive pair of tennis shoes on the head. Wondering who could have done that thing, the owner of the shoes saw him holding them and was immediately accused of stealing them. Since he is from a poor family the boy cannot afford to defend himself and was incarcerated. He was given options to choose between two camps for his exile and he chose Camp Green Lake assuming it would be full of plants and vegetation out there. But the camp is a dessert and they have to do hard labor digging Holes all day with his campmates. Notwithstanding the harsh weather in the dessert, he also has to deal with his camp mates who are also harshly unpredictable. Each of them has different personalities and eccentricities but they began to form friendship. Digging Holes everyday in the dessert seems like a never ending nightmare to the boys. Although the purpose of these Holes is a puzzle to them the warden’s goal for these digging is to find the long lost buried treasures which Stanley’s grandfather has buried (Sachar â€Å"Read Aloud Recommendations†). The antecedence of the story creates a wondrous marvel to readers. The whirlwinds which seemingly struck the audience is a valor for the author. Analysis There is however a controversial element that this book represents. Somehow this story portrays injustice and justice, bullying, and bad fate and juvenile delinquency. Further, there is also a bit of racism in there where the characters implies that it is against the law to kiss a black person. The term â€Å"negro† was included which was part of the plot in those days. But somehow, the use of history in the book was incredible. We can consider this book a fiction because of its plots, settings and the characters. For an adult it is likely overwhelming to believe such actions and events. But as I have said this book is just for fun nevertheless it could be an interesting book for small children because it has magic as well as values and lessons within (Sachar Holes). This story simply discusses life with friendship and love for freedom. And it could be presume that it does not propose or make any controversial issue which could harm our children’s learning and understanding. We could easily explain to children the way things goes with the story because it discusses the life of a boy in prison and the cruel treatments he suffered with the guards. He was somehow treated unfairly and we have to discuss these matters to the children that not all boys can have this experience and this can only happen in the book judging from our justice system today. And so it is recommended that this book or film could be advised to be read or watch by grade 5-6 students. For an adult, this book can be literally tedious as if everything was too unbelievable. We can just consider this as a tall tale and nevertheless have a little fun trying to pick up little puzzles altogether and connect them in the end. Many readers may have different understanding and association with this book but it surely connects to the point of friendship, loyalty and trust. Discussion With regard with questionable manners portrayed in the story, nothing really delineates the characters to more than just happy people but able to meet unfortunate events and get meshed with it somehow. Although there were instances that the characters show anger, frustrations and hopelessness, the intention to serve and protect other people is clearly indicated. This is the part where we can see changes and grow in the attitude of the characters. If we have to follow certain rules and guidelines in adapting this story to children in California, we have standards in this state that follows guidelines such as stated in the California Standards for Teaching Profession. It indicates that all students must have all the rights in learning with the teacher and this will be built on student’s knowledge, different life experiences and the goal to accomplish learning. That a teacher can use a variety of instructional materials and strategies that can correspond to every student are diverse needs. The teacher with her willingness and all the rights to make use of challenging experiences to each and every student living in different environment thus encouraging autonomy, freedom and interaction. It is also one of the exclusive rights of the teacher to actively participate and engage all the students in problem solving and critical thinking methods that may surpass any subject matter. Skills and concepts will be the tools in encouraging students to use them in real-life which could make their life significant. Teachers are the tools in the development of the students who will be more self-directed, demonstrative, more articulate and evaluative and this can start from the classroom. (California). Going back to the characters in the book, the children can be asked whom among the characters could very well fit to their personality, likes and dislikes and why? We can suggest that Stanley has portrayed the greatest and more challenging part in the story because of his courage and self-reliance. We can also discuss how characters grow to be more self-reliant and cooperative between them. We can also ask the significance of the title â€Å"Holes† to the students and explain its relevance. Or we can suggest meaning such as Holes in the title to signify Holes in our life and our society. The teacher can also suggest that the author wanted the young people to be independent in their shortcomings and weakness to be able to grow and change and merge with the society. All in all this book was made and published for children not to show discrimination, injustices and delinquency to children but to be able to analyze for themselves how they view things in the eyes of another child and how he made things better (Davis). Synthesis Formidably, this controversial story of Holes will not only catch the attention of the â€Å"juvenile† public, but as noted, it’s sense of distinctiveness is quite a pious form of prose which will surely leave minds in question as to whether the story helps in building the most justifiable sense of writing, or nevertheless the puzzling aroma pulls the trigger on bribing the minds of those who contain very minimal rationality. Personally, I loved the flow of the story and the sagacity which it coherently portrays piece by piece. It may have established ‘negative’ constraints towards ideals and perspectives on conventionality, but it fires up all the more.