Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Public Schools Should Attend Private School Benefit From...

Students who attend private school benefit from the exposure to extracurricular activities. A typical feature of private schools is the provision of special programs in the field of art, music , drama and sports. In 2002, Deasy, concluded that taking up any form of art improves conditional reasoning and spatial reasoning. It also aids in problem solving refines creativity in terms of spontaneity, originality, sequencing theory, ideas and results. The adoption of art has also been known to motivate the students to learn as engages the student and increases the attention span. The same study also showed that a student immersed in the performing arts like drama and music or fine arts like painting indicated a personal development in terms of increased self-confidence, collaboration, tolerance and conflict resolution. Private schools also have impressive athletic facilities and instruments for the music classes. Most public schools are not able to afford a drama class or violin class due to the lack of funding by the public. Devoiding a student of activities that help them balance an academic workload pushes them towards skipping school and being unenthusiastic of school work. Getting a child involved in any kind of art keeps them in school thereby increasing the attendance rate. Private schools encourage parent involvement as this enhances the child’s academic success by ensuring they are on the straight and narrow. While most parents are typically involved in the day to dayShow MoreRelated Private Schools vs. Public Schools Essay617 Words   |  3 Pagespossible school for their child in preparation for college. Many believe the most opportune way for their child to succeed in studies is by attending a private school. On the other hand, another group of parents thinks that public schools are the better route. 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