Thursday, January 9, 2020

Charles Dickens Oliver Twist - 1150 Words

Oliver Twist, one of Charles Dickens greatest novel written in 1838, portrays the despotic social scenario of England at that time. The novel’s substitle is The Parish Boy’s Progress, which is a satirical depiction of an orphan boy, Oliver, who suffers from the miserable behavior of the authorities charged to care for orphan children. Oliver eventually becomes involved with a gang of criminals (Frank 19). It shows how a young mind gets manipulated by evil just because he suffers from the cruelty of the government. The novel is part of the emerging social satire of its time. The rise of the industrial Revolution in the English Victorian society caused the English economy to flourish but at the same time had some drastic consequences on the social lives of people which Dickens highlighted in his novel. Most of the story’s narrative is based on what Dickens experienced while roaming in the streets of London (Marlow, 1). Moreover, the novel covers various social setbacks which were the reason for the injustice found in English society. The story shows various aspects of social themes such as class struggles, poverty, criminality, religion, identity, charity, corruption, mob mentality, plight of orphans, plight of women and injustice. Oliver is not a believable character, because although he is raised in corrupt surroundings, his purity and virtue are absolute. Throughout the novel, Dickens uses Oliver’s character to challenge the Victorian idea that paupers and criminalsShow MoreRelatedOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1535 Words   |  7 PagesCharles Dickens, the author of Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens was born on February 7th, 1812 in Landport, England, and then died on June 9th, 1870 in Kent, England. In his 58 years of life he made a collection of books that are still famous today; although it was not until 1836 that he started to come to fame when he published The Pickwick Papers. One of the many books he published was Oliver Twist and this story was one that he related too, because like this story Dickens had little education asRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1644 Words   |  7 PagesIn Dickens’ Oliver Twist, Dickens frequently explains how â€Å"callous and uncaring Victorian societ y was (Shmoop Editorial Team),† as well as how clothing affects one’s social class. The protagonist of this eventful and heart wrenching story, Oliver Twist, is a naive young man who endures intense abuse and starvation in Victorian England’s workhouses. He keeps his hopes high and has a turn-around from his past life of misery. During this morose experience, Oliver sees the realization of Victorian EnglandRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens Essay1736 Words   |  7 Pagesfunctions as Charles Dickens (1812- 1870) did. Oliver Twist was the second novel of Dickens distributed in a serial structure in a magazine titled BentleyÊ ¼s Miscellany run independent from anyone else from February 1837 to April 1839 when Dickens was still a columnist. In England, from the 1830s to the 1840s, a lot of wrongdoing books were distributed. Oliver Twist was composed simply During that period. Most faultfinders and book commentators of Dickens lifetime based their surveys of Oliver Twist on oneRead MoreOliver Twist By Charles Dickens1370 Words   |  6 PagesOliver Twist was written by Charles Dickens, English writer and social critic. He is known as the greatest novelist of the Victorian era. It was his second novel and was finished in September 1838. Dickens was writing two novels at the same time, The Pickwick Papers and Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist, tells of the complicated life of an orphan, Oliver, living in the streets of London. The story was inspired by Dickens childhood poverty where he had to get by on his own and earn his own way. DickensRead More Charles Dickens Oliver Twist Essay1137 Words   |  5 PagesCharles Dickens Oliver Twist The novel Oliver Twist is a criticism of the cruelty that children and poor people suffered at the hands of 19th century society. It was Dickens first novel written under his own name when he was 24 years old and in it he already reveals his sharp, but comic comments and criticism. From the start Dickens makes it clear to the reader that poor people and the children of poor people; most especially a baby born illegitimately; were of no consequence in theRead MoreAnalysis Of Charles Dickens s Oliver Twist 1539 Words   |  7 Pages​Charles Dickens illustrates how people facing poverty are treated as criminals by the Victorian society and may cause them to be forced down the path of crime. He demonstrates this theory throughout his novel Oliver Twist. Oliver Twist is a novel about a ten year old orphan in the nineteenth century who is forced into labour at a workhouse. Dickens highlights the conditions of the workhouse to display the struggle one bares in order to survive. He uses the characters Oliver and Nancy to demonstrateRead MoreAnalysis Of Charles Dickens s Oliver Twist 905 Words   |  4 Pagesthat the earliest use of the word realism referred to the faith full representation of the real world in the literature beginning from the 1850 s. Charles dickens is one among the greatest well-known representatives of the 19th century English critical realism. In Victorian England realism is greeted by the work of Dickens. In his work, Oliver Twist (1838), he uses realism to represent the harsh realities of life during his lifetime. 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